Private Landowners

As we know majority of New Zealand’s Brown Teal exist on private land, we would like to offer you as much assistance as we can.

The recovery group has put together a general survival guide which may assist you:

survial guide

Click on the image above to download the pdf file.

If you still have questions or would like someone to come out and visit you in person, please use the contact page and we will assist you as much as we can.

If you are interested in wetland restoration, you should look at:

WETMAK – Wetlands Monitoring and Assessment Kit

WETMAK is online resource aimed at community groups working on wetland restoration projects in New Zealand.

Are you making a difference? If the answer is yes, do you know how well you are doing… can you quantify progress? Which aspects are performing better than others and where should you focus future effort? If you would like the answers to these questions and increase your understanding of how well your wetland restoration project is progressing, then you are in the right place. WETMAK provides advice on useful monitoring techniques and methods of assessing the impact of your restoration work.

The kit is available in different formats to suit your needs. You can choose to download the entire resource or alternatively you may prefer to focus attention on specific modules. Either way you will find the material easy to use. In terms of technical difficulty, again the decision is yours with simple monitoring options available alongside more technically demanding investigation.

Download WETMAK, print out a few datasheets, pull on your gumboots and head out with friends and get measuring. Increasing understanding of your restoration work will bring huge rewards and provide useful information for future planning.


Download WETMAK

Download the whole document including the introduction, all six modules, datasheets and further info  (file size 8.0MB).


If you would like a practical introduction to WETMAK you might like to attend one of NZ Landcare Trust’s WETMAK Training Day