
Welcome to the Breeders Only area!


Please BOOKMARK this page now


Here are the main functions of the breeders area. These are:


Airnz Booking
Use this online booking form to utilise the FREE air cargo sponsorship arrangement we have with AirNZ  (if you don’t use this form you don’t get it for FREE)


Transfer Birds Form
Please enter the details as soon as possible when you transfer birds out of your facility. This includes progeny going to peacock springs for release.


Eggs Laid/Ducklings Hatched update Form
Please enter the details as soon as possible when you your birds lay eggs or ducklings hatch.


Annual Report Form
To help us with the efficient management of the Program, please complete an annual report form for each pair of Brown Teal held in captivity up to 30 March each year.


Protocols / Literature
Husbandry Manual, Recovery Plan, Program Outline, Disease Screeing Rational and Protocols etc.




I have just given the site a new facelift, If you have an suggestions, questions or comments about any of the functions you find here, please contact me.